
listing all events related to HKFoodworks
Breadline is Hong Kong’s first public digital platform for food rescue. Hong Kong — a rich city, with a poor...
Carol Wong,Breadline 早期義工之一,與Breadline 走過疫情爆發至今,見證由八至十人核心義工,互相補位:打電話到門市確認當晚麵包數量、聯絡義工、執包以至幫忙將麵包即晚送往受助團體;直到今日義工數量增加,運作模式穩定,既看著Breadline兩年多來的變化,疫情亦為Carol 個人帶來轉捩點。...
Heat Waves are effects of climate change. Food System activities generate large amounts of GhG emissions and have a huge...
「麵包線」Breadline 由2019年成立至今兩年多,作為香港首個回收剩食麵包的網上平台,拯救的麵包數量多達十萬個,有賴一班來自不同背景、自發投身的有心人,願意為有需要人士獻出時間和心力,究竟是甚麼驅使他們投身Breadline?每位救包英雄背後所經歷的故事會是怎樣?麵包線義工 Breadliner訪問系列,首位受訪義工是Simon。...
The anxiety of a citywide lockdown due to COVID has driven the population into another round of panic buying, leaving...
Interview discussing Covid19 price hikes. I share my views on the vulnerability of our urban food system, the opportunity to...
The story of breadline is about food rescue and what happens to food when it can no longer be sold...
How do you design technology for good? Breadline is not only a webapp that collects surplus food for the poor,...
Food waste is a global issue, but for Asian cities like Singapore and Hong Kong, the majority of the waste...
Our dystopic food system produces both both hunger and excess, a logic so contradictory that seems only possible in dystopic...
In every crisis there is an opportunity, and now is the time to rethink what living could mean if we...
COVID19 is deepening the hunger crisis. According to Oxfam’s latest report, 12,000 people per day will die from hunger caused...
As the world slowly emerges from the COVID pandemic lockdown, many are wondering what lessons can be learnt from this...
Pushing my trolley around the supermarkets’ empty shelves a few months ago – I couldn’t help but replay the scene...
Sourcing local and seasonal has become the response to the disruptions seen in our food supply chain. More than just...
The food shortage we experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the vulnerabilities of our food system. In Hong Kong, we...
So proud to see Breadline featured alongside other innovative projects selected to represent the New Asia in Tatler’s launch issue....
Having been asked to reflect on my journey so far, I tried to distil the guiding principle of my research...
Breadline is Hong Kong’s first crowdsourced food rescue web app that connects donors with volunteers and charities so surplus food...

HK's first public digital food rescue platform