to HKFoodWorks
HKFoodWorks is a registered charity dedicated to sustainable food futures, leading the way through research and community action for a better tomorrow.
Breadline is our food rescue programme.
Our web application connects volunteers to bakeries to collect surpluses just-in-time for those who need it.

It is Hong Kong’s first public digital platform for food rescue.
We collaborate with community partners to serve those experiencing homelessness, low income, migrant and refugee families, the elderly and the intellectually disabled communities.
Research & Education
Our research focuses on empowering communities to act – reducing food waste and improving urban food security.
We bring academic research into the community, raising awareness about our urban food system.
Latest News

What is Breadline?
Breadline is Hong Kong’s first public digital platform for food rescue. Hong Kong — a rich city, with a poor

Breadliner, Carol Wong「以仁心看人,也看城市糧食安全」
Carol Wong,Breadline 早期義工之一,與Breadline 走過疫情爆發至今,見證由八至十人核心義工,互相補位:打電話到門市確認當晚麵包數量、聯絡義工、執包以至幫忙將麵包即晚送往受助團體;直到今日義工數量增加,運作模式穩定,既看著Breadline兩年多來的變化,疫情亦為Carol 個人帶來轉捩點。

Heat Waves and Our Food System
Heat Waves are effects of climate change. Food System activities generate large amounts of GhG emissions and have a huge